The Pittsburgh Penguins' Stadium Series stunt may have gotten a bit too real.
PETA, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, sent a letter to Penguins president and CEO David Morehouse on Thursday, calling on the club to avoid bringing out live birds as it did before Saturday night's outdoor game against the Philadelphia Flyers at Heinz Field.
Related: Actual penguins take the ice at Stadium Series in Pittsburgh
"Dear Mr. Morehouse, I'm writing on behalf of PETA and our more than five million members and supporters worldwide to urge you never again to have live animals at Heinz Field, given the disturbing video footage showing penguins from the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium scrambling in terror after being paraded in front of a screaming crowd and in close proximity to ear-splitting fireworks," PETA's John Di Leonardo wrote, according to Sam Werner of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
"It's inherently stressful for wild animals - who naturally shun contact with humans and are extremely sensitive to environmental changes - to be hauled around, used as props, and exposed to noisy crowds, with or without explosives going off," Di Leonardo added.
"Hockey fans come to see talented athletes compete, not shy animals terrorized. Being held in captivity is stressful enough to make penguins susceptible to illness, and putting them in a crowded, noisy stadium only makes matters worse."
The live birds were trotted out as part of the pregame festivities, and as Di Leonardo indicates, they appeared frightened by the fireworks that were set off before the puck was dropped.
Maybe just stick to human Penguins next time.
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