Well that didn't go as planned.
With the hockey world on the edge of its collective seat, a technical difficulty put the Las Vegas NHL's franchise's name and logo reveal on hold.
Related: NHL expansion team officially unveiled as 'Vegas Golden Knights'
After a few speeches, owner Bill Foley cued up a video that did not play.
We count down to the Las Vegas NHL name unveil… wait… wait… pic.twitter.com/O9dQreNku9
— Marina Molnar (@mkmolnar) November 23, 2016
The video would not load, leaving the host and owner Bill Foley up on stage with some time to kill before it was all sorted out.
The reaction was quick and to the point.
Well there you have it… the Las Vegas Place Holder Vegas Hockey.
— Pete Blackburn (@PeteBlackburn) November 23, 2016
Welcome! pic.twitter.com/lY7v7rhAyR
To be fair, the Las Vegas Place Holders is probably an accurate name for their roster next year.
— Bonk's Mullet (@BonksMullet) November 23, 2016
Story coming shortly on unnamed Las Vegas NHL team firing its chief technical advisor.
— Eric Stephens (@icemancometh) November 23, 2016
In fairness, the NHL let the other 30 teams protect all the good IT departments.
— Down Goes Brown (@DownGoesBrown) November 23, 2016
Compared to this, the expansion draft will be a piece of cake.
— Stephen Whyno (@SWhyno) November 23, 2016
Vegas IT guy had too much fun in Vegas last night.
— Jen Neale (@MsJenNeale_PD) November 23, 2016
Technical malfunction here in Vegas. Fan yells "it's all Bettman's fault!" He shrugs, yells back "well, we can leave and take the team!"
— Frank Seravalli (@frank_seravalli) November 23, 2016
Anybody in Nevada have a spare VHS machine?
— Darren Haynes (@DarrenWHaynes) November 23, 2016
When the Knights win the Cup, this will be part of the story of the team's humble beginnings. ;)
— Nick Cotsonika (@cotsonika) November 23, 2016
You'd think, in a city like Las Vegas that routinely hosts big events, they could find someone to get a video played properly.
— Helene Elliott (@helenenothelen) November 23, 2016
"We won't screw up the first game like we screwed up the video". Vegas owner Bill Foley's comment about the unveiling. Oof.
— Jeff Marek (@JeffMarek) November 23, 2016
After a short delay, the name was finally revealed to be Golden Knights.
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