In the dog days of the NHL offseason, a celebration of man's best friend is only fitting.
A slew of NHL and AHL players shared pictures and video of their canine companions as part of National Dog Day on Friday.
We can't wait to get to NY and get to work @NYRangers #NationalDogDay #IsItOctoberYet
— brandon pirri (@pirri91) August 26, 2016
Who is ready for hockey season? Jonah is! #NationalDogDay
— Ryan Pulock (@rpulock) August 26, 2016
#NationalDogDay 🐶❤️
— Mikael Backlund (@mbacklund11) August 26, 2016
Happy #NationalDogDay from our rescued pack to yours!!
— David Backes (@dbackes42) August 26, 2016
Happy #NationalDogDay to my best buds #johnnycash&tuxy
— Nathan Gerbe (@NathanGerbe14) August 26, 2016
Happy #NationalDogDay from my boy Trigger. #verywellmannered
— Steven Stamkos (@RealStamkos91) August 26, 2016
Here is the king himself on #nationaldogday
— Teddy Purcell (@teddypurcell16) August 26, 2016
Lola is looking forward to the season! "Put me in coach" #NationalDogDay
— Matt Stajan (@MattStajan18) August 26, 2016
Happy national dog day !!!
— Alex Pietrangelo (@apetro_27) August 26, 2016
Just a 👻🐻 and his 🐶. #NationalDogDay
— Philadelphia Flyers (@NHLFlyers) August 26, 2016
Happy #NationalDogDay
— Jake Allen (@34jallen) August 26, 2016
Hope everyone loves their dog as much as I do. #NationalDogDay #frenchie #milo
— John Mitchell (@mitchabov) August 26, 2016
Mr. Shooter Sharp #NationalDogDay
— Patrick Sharp (@10PSharp) August 26, 2016
Did YOUR dog shave the BatMan symbol onto his chest....didn't think so. Mine did. #NationalDogDay
— Brian Elliott (@KidElls1) August 26, 2016
— Nikita Zadorov (@zadorov61) August 26, 2016
Los Angeles Kings captain Anze Kopitar shared a throwback shot of him, the Stanley Cup, and Gustl, his beloved golden retriever-poodle mix.
#NationalDogDay @GustlTweets @DomincInes
— Anze Kopitar (@AnzeKopitar) August 26, 2016
Gustl, a true master of social media, seemed to enjoy the day despite his owner's absence.
Related: 10 photos of Anze Kopitar with Gustl, his ultra-photogenic dog
Sorry I can't post a new photo with Pops today.
— Gustl Kopitar (@GustlTweets) August 26, 2016
He's in Europe with trials and I'm here holding down the fort.
Happy #NationalDogDay to the newest #LAKings pups Vedder @teddypurcell16, Walter @Latta17, & Payton @Ztrotman4!#GKG
— Gustl Kopitar (@GustlTweets) August 26, 2016
My Twitter feed has gone to the dogs....
— Gustl Kopitar (@GustlTweets) August 26, 2016
<----- Loves it when Pops @AnzeKopitar takes the time to tweet to him.
— Gustl Kopitar (@GustlTweets) August 26, 2016
We've reached the tail end of the summer, but hopefully this will make it easier for hockey fans to sit patiently until the dog owners' talents are unleashed again.
They may not all be fortunate enough to win the Stanley Cup, but all of these players have their own Stanley pups, as far as we're concerned.
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