Blues reward young fan for good deed

The St. Louis Blues paid it forward in a big way Tuesday.

After their game Feb. 6, forward Vladimir Tarasenko - who scored a power-play goal that night - handed his stick over the glass to 11-year-old Noah Kleinlehrer.

The thing is, the youngster didn't keep it.

"I was going down to high-five the players just after the three stars, and Tarasenko reaches up and gave me his stick," Noah told Chris Pinkert from the Blues website. "I thought 'Wow! He actually did that!' But then I went down and saw a little boy, who I saw earlier in the game. I overheard his father say it was his first game, so I went down to give him a good memory."

Made aware of Kleinlehrer's good deed, the Blues invited him and his family to Tuesday's win over Colorado,

It's a happy ending to an already great story, one that will likely "stick" in the memories of all involved.

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